
The Regional Rural Banks were established on the recommendations of Narsimha Committee on Rural Credit. Considering the recommendations of the committee the Government of India passed Regional Rural Banks Act 1976 and established RRBs in different parts of India. The main aim of establishment of Regional Rural Banks to develop the rural economy.
Government of India vide its gazette notification number 855, dated 22-Feb-2019 announced to amalgamate 2 RRBs namely Baroda Gujarat Gramin Bank sponsored by Bank of Baroda and Dena Gujarat Gramin Bank sponsored by Dena bank effective from 01-Apr-2019. The name of the new entity remains same as “Baroda Gujarat Gramin Bank” under sponsorship of Bank Of Baroda.
Inclusive economic growth through rural development with service envisioned to put a smile on each of the customer’s face.
To become Top Ranking Regional Bank through excellence in all areas of Banking and Financial Services with Best Practices.
“Reaching out to the unreached”
- Aggressive Resource Mobilization with maximum focus on mobilizing low-cost deposits.
- Going in for aggressive qualitative lending – particularly in Agriculture & Allied activities.
- Canvassing good consortium advances, with focus on SMEs.
- Accelerating the process of financial inclusion with focus on Micro Finance.
- Increasing the net profit level by arresting revenue leakage, recovery in written off accounts, curtailing avoidable expenses and increasing non-interest income.
- Bringing down the gross NPA level by aggressive recovery drive and Slippage Prevention Measures.