
Purvanchal, the north eastern region of Uttar Pradesh and the divine land of Lord Buddha, Kabir and Gorakhnath, witnessed an important event on 12 th September 2005. Exercising the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 23A of RRB Act 1976, the Government of India, by its notification in the Official Gazette, for the first time provided for the amalgamation of two well established and good profit making RRB's i.e., Gorakhpur Kshetriya Bank and Basti Bank, into one Purvanchal Bank.
History of the area dates back to the epic age as the capital city of Kushinagar was established by Kusha, the son of Lord Rama. The area was parcelled out into tiny tribals republic of Mallas, Sakyas, Koliyas, Mauryas & Guptas. During the Gupta dynasty the socio cultural realm of the region reached the zenith of its glory. During 19th Century, Gorakhpur and adjoining areas were ceded to NAWAB of Awadh which further went to East India Company. In 1865 the district of Gorakhpur came into existence and later on famous Guru Gorakhshnath, alongwith Sufi Sant Jabbarshah, Sant Kabir and famous Hindi writer Acharya Ram Chandra Shukla and Urdu Poet Raghupati Sahay 'Firaque Gorakhpuri' have added further to the glory of the region
Encompassing through the foothills of Himalayas in the north, river Ghaghra in South-West, the state of Bihar in the east, the region has a moderate climate and falls in the domain of south eastern monsoon. Agriculture is the backbone of the economy, so the majority of farmers are engaged in growing traditional crops. A good number of sugar mills are established in the area, hence sugarcane crop is also grown by the farmers in abundance
Purvanchal Bank having its head office at Gorakhpur operates through the network of its 571 branches, in eleven districts of Purvanchal. Dedicated employees are working hard for the noble cause of rural upliftment to enable rural masses to become self dependent and capable of contributing towards national growth in consonance with National and State level prioritie